tat is like the best and fun day ever.....XD
got so hyper....yesterday....haha....ok...let..
see...at 1st in the morning went too church..
Then...mel fetch us go pick up sheryn...
from college....but we end up walking too..
sunway lor....lol...anyways....we wanted to walk
to sunway already....but we change our mind
and wanted to find fer....who juz went for class.
Me...mag ryn and mel...was talking about....
the movie tat we are gonna watch....then...we.
realize we are shot of 1 ticket....so..ryn bring us..
too her college library...wanted too book tickets..but
cant ohh..well...then we ask jc go book it...
Anyways we went too a food court too eat....
then we continue too walk too sunway....so hot..
man...gosh...but while we walking...we was..
like crazy people laughing all the way..there...
Then reach there...went too that wat ever place call..
again...hmm...i rmb snowy sumthing..haha.....
had some dessert there...about four o'clock...went
for karaoke.....XD.....FUN......
Nic join us about around 5.....haha....sing untill crazy..
no more voice....then around 6 sumthing...met up..
with suann and ong...and fer...then later on met up with
tif ,jc,mel ong...,and siemens...
Watch RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN...the show..
was vry nice..at least better then is boring...rite...
then after movie we went too eat at gasoline...
haha....all of us got hyper....lol
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